If an error occurs while installing an update or upgrade, learn how to resolve installation issues. In Windows on your Mac, click the Start menu, choose Settings, then click Update & Security. It is recommended that you use Program Updates. If you downloaded any apps from the App Store, use the App Store to get updates for those apps. Check for updates using the Windows Update app. Notes of EndNote X9 for Windows and Mac, please see EndNote X9 Windows and Mac: Release Notes macOS. When Software Update says that your Mac is up to date, then macOS and all of the apps it installs are up to date, including Safari, Messages, Mail, Music, Photos, FaceTime, and Calendar. Software Update shows only upgrades that are compatible with your Mac.

To change the amount of space to dedicate to Windows 7, click the small divider between Mac OS X and Windows, and drag it to the left. Set the partition size for the Windows installation. Click Continue on the initial introduction window. If you changed it to No Security, change it back to Full Security before installing Windows. Open Finder and navigate to Applications-> Utilities and double-click Boot Camp Assistant. The default Secure Boot setting is Full Security. Check your Secure Boot setting Learn how to check your Secure Boot setting.

Before you get started, it's a good idea to back up your Mac. To have AutoUpdate automatically manage Word and other Office product updates, select Automatically Download and Install.